(English) 5BL report archive

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International collaborative 5BL Testimonial Archive

Here you can find a growing collection of testimonials based on the knowledge of the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine, provided by 5BL practitioners from all around the world. The aim is to provide an english translation for every testimonial in native language.
You can find the contact information of most of the practitioner in the therapists list. My own reports, which were listed on a separate page until June 2021, are now also integrated into the archive.

Please contact me if you want to join and help providing more successful stories or help with the english translation of reports in other languages. Translations into any other languages are also very welcome!
As is it an international collaboration project, the archive can be included in any other 5BL site, too. The USA began this international collaboration by including it on the Germanic Healing Knowledge Global (GHK Global) website, followed by Israel. Other countries and pages are currently checking the technical possibilities.

The reports reflect what has been experienced on the basis of the level of experience and knowledge of the respective author at the time the report was created and, of course, do not guarantee completeness and freedom from errors. So far the following practitioners have participated:

All (248)

Björn Eybl (71)

Ingmar Marquardt (68)

Monika Anzenberger (21)

Axel Dörr-Lintl (10)

Bekannte, Freunde ... (10)

Thomas Mühlberger (7)

Esther S. (6)

Petra Friedrich (5)

Thorsten Rüffer (4)

Nadya Molchanova (4)

Hardy Neumann (4)

Olga Bryukhanova (4)

Magdalena F (4)

Andi Locke Mears (4)

Stephen Coleman (3)

Fabian Günther (3)

Mayk Soike (3)

Mara F (2)

Jorge Malheiro (2)

Melissa Sell, D.C. (2)

Michael J. Schulze (2)

Sybille Koopmann (2)

Benedikt Zeitner (2)

Katrin Neubert (1)

Eva Hettich (1)

Vladislav Nichiporov (1)

Frank Schwerdtfeger (1)

Gabriëlle Rutten (1)

DateAuthorTitle and OverviewKeywords
How the threat and implementation of a really long period of lockdown led to menstrual pain, paralysis and diarrhea.
Menstrual pain, movement paralysis, diarrhea, chronic process
My trauma back then was my friend who fell from the top of the haystack passing me into the depths. I wouldn't have been able to hold on to him without falling with him
Paralysis, MS, varicella
When the pure joy of reaching a goal becomes a small conflict resolution: 200 steps are sometimes more than 2000 steps
Cramp, self-esteem collapse, paralysis, musculature
Both our lives (me and mom) were marked by constant friction and conflict. Until we finally spoke out. And then I resolved a conflict that I didn't even know I had!
Foot, Self-devaluation conflict
After moving from the 5th floor to a basement apartment with a small adjoining garden, my cat developed throat problems.
Cat, chunk conflict, free access
“Oh shock”, our dog Luna recently lay paralyzed on the hallway floor. My first thought was “stroke”. I was totally worried and at first I wasn't really able to think rationally. What should I do?
Paralysis, motoric conflict

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.