(English) GNM testimonial

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Menstrual pain, movement paralysis and diarrhea

Report and analysis according to the system of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature (5BL, New Medicine, GNM, German New Medicine).
Report by:
Esther S.
The report is about About a client / patient of me / family member
Gender Female
Handedness Right
Additional methods
Categories Conscious resolution of chronic symptoms (incl. local vicious circles)
Observation of several similar SBS runs, e.g. multiple identical PCL phases (thereby validation of the cause)
Moderate to severe (cancer, paralysis, seizures, heart attack, ...)


“When I was 13, I often ran away at night and went on dates with my boy. When I got caught, there was a really big thunderstorm. The police were also involved. My mother then grounded me until I was 16. That was absolutely dramatic for me and I froze the moment I was sentenced. Thank God the house arrest was lifted after six months. Another sentence in this thunderstorm was: “And what if you're pregnant now?”

From now on, every time I got my period, I had intense period pains, diarrhea and, within 30 minutes, paralyzed and weak legs for several hours. I was knocked out for at least one day every 25 days for years.

After years of studying GH, I realized what was causing these symptoms.
So my period was the solution to the conflict of “possibly being pregnant”.

Since this meant that the house arrest was theoretically invalid, but also the rigidity in the argument, the paralysis became apparent. You have to know that the paralysis gets worse for a short time because of the swelling in the brain.
Side note: I had always been slower than others at any kind of sport before, i.e. various muscles in my legs were already paralyzed in the CA phase between periods.

The diarrhea was also the solution to a conflict caused by the argument because I thought 2 years of house arrest was excessive. But from my mother's point of view, it was justified because I could be pregnant.

Period pains are a bit more complicated. They are an effect of the constellations of the territorial areas.

Period pains are experienced by manic women, i.e. women who tend to have a masculine, boyish touch. The “businesswoman” type. This is usually caused by the combination of a sex. frustration conflict and a loss of territory with weight on the left side of the brain (manic side).

When I decided at the age of 35 to finally be a woman at heart and happy about my period, all symptoms subsided within a short time. The left manic conflict was probably no longer nourished, because this decision moved me towards the female, depressive side.

A clear decision is probably also a valid biological conflict resolution.”

My comment from the perspective of GH/NM:

🔴 Conflict: unable to run away/escape “ lockdown and/or rigidity during thunderstorms”, functional failure with motor paralysis of the legs, ectoderm
🔴 Conflict: sex. frustration conflict “Could be pregnant”, here 1st conflict RHF, cervix/mouth, ectoderm
🟡 Conflict: dispute/anger not getting rid of lumps, large intestine, entoderm

This experience report shows how much you can run on rails, although the topic of pregnancy and house arrest became increasingly irrelevant with increasing age, but the rails (mother, could be pregnant, parental home) were constantly present. Only when she made a conscious decision to embody a woman and to be happy about her period did the symptoms of period pain, paralysis and diarrhea diminish. Until they disappeared completely.

Note: Have you also had exciting experiences with the 5BL? If so, it would be great if you could send us an anonymized report so that we can publish it in the archive and everyone can benefit from your experiences. Thank you very much!

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.